1. – See infra note 359 and accompanying text. ↑

    1. – See ABBOTT ET AL.., supra note 86,at 613. ↑

    1. -Panel Report, supra note 22, para.7.513. ↑

    1. -Ibid. ↑

    1. – Ibid. Para.7.594. ↑

    1. – Ibid. Para.7.598. ↑

    1. – Ibid. ↑

    1. – Ibid. Para.7.501. ↑

    1. – Ibid. Para.7.513 ↑

    1. – See Definition of Commercial, COMPACT OXFORD ENCLISH DICTIONARY ON.LINE, http:// www.askocford.com/concise- oed/ commercial? View=uk. ↑

    1. -See Definition of Scale, COMPACT OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY ONLINE,HTTP://WWW.askxoford.com/concise –oed /scale-3?View=uk. ↑

    1. -This definition would also fittingly preserve space for private use, as long as no profit was made. ↑

    1. – peter Lichtenbaum, Procedural Issues in WTO Dispute Resolution, 19 MICH.J. INT’L.1195, 1248(1998).Of course, should the panel conclude that the United States fails in establishing a violation of Articles 41 and 61, China would not have to invoke any justification or exception to defend the United States’ case. See U.S—Section 110(5), supra note 153,¶ ۶٫۱۶٫

    1. – DSU. Supra note 153, art.13. ↑

    1. -ABBOTT, ET AL., supra note 86, at 614(citing UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BUREAU of statistics, Special Report: Intellectual Property Theft,2002(2004),available at http:// www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/ pdf/ipt02.pdf),Of those convicted, less than half received prison time. Id. ↑

    1. -ABBOTT ET AL., supra note 86,at 614. ↑


    1. -See TRIPS, supra note 6,art 61.Similarly, the United States contends that a certain magnitude of piracy and counterfeiting should be sufficient to qualify as commercial scale piracy and counterfeiting regardless of whether the activity is “commercial.”See U.S. First Submission, supra note 97, 110. While the United States is not arguing that China’s laws are inconsistent with interpretation, it seem likely that this interpretation also misses the point by focusing on one of the two term(that is, “scale” rather than” commercial scale”). ↑

    1. -See U.S. First Submission, supra note 97, 144(“This constrained system ignores a range of probative evidence demonstrating the existence of commercial scale operations not captured using China’s criminal thresholds.”) ↑

    1. -See trips, supra note 6,art.1(1). ↑

    1. – See, e.g., Edward Lee, The New canon Using or Misusing Foreign Law To Decide Domestic Intellectual Property Claims,46 HARV.INT’L L.J.1,21(2005)(arguing among other reasons, that when it is practically impossible to assess empirically what the proper balance in intellectual property laws should be, it is better to allow for a diversity of approaches among countries to avoid magnifying the harm imposed by a single bad rule). ↑

    1. – See TRIPS, supra note 6,pmbl. ↑

    1. – See U. S. First Submission supra note 97, 121 Nevertheless, relying on the prejudicial impact should reduce, if not eliminate, the need to look to thresholds. ↑

    1. -See U. S. First submission, supra note 97, 122(noting that a single wholesale mall in Yiwu, China, “houses some 30,000 stores, many of them in small 10-by-15 foot stalls.”). ↑

    1. – Id (citing Don Lee,30.000-Store Wholesale Mall Keeps Chinese Competitive, S.F. CHRON.,Dec.8,2006,ata-31,availableathttp://www.sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgi?F=c/a/20006/12/08/MNG8TMRPV81.DTL. ↑

    1. – Id. 155. ↑

    1. – Id. 157-61 ↑

    1. -See DSU, supra note 153, art.13 (2)(”Panels may seek information from any relevant source….”). ↑

    1. -VCLT, supra note 164, art.31(3((b); See also Panel Report, Canada—Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products, WT/DS114/R(March 17 , 2000) ↑


    1. -New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1993). Mexico notes a definition in Spanish that refers to degree, but that is not apposite in context: see Mexico’s third party oral statement, fn.8. ↑

    1. – New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1993). ↑

    1. -Ibid ↑

    1. -The Panel also observes that the definition of “commerce” itself expressly includes a notion of: scale”, but this appears to refer to commerce in a general sense, such as “trade and commerce”, which does not appear apposite within the word “commercial”. ↑

    1. – See United States first written submission, paras 109, 110 and 123. ↑

    1. -See , for example, Appellate Body Reports in US- Gasoline, at p. 23; Japan- Alcoholic beveragesii, at p. 12. ↑

    1. – Articles 11 and 14.4 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 26.1 and 36 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 27.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 31(b) of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 31 (b) and© of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 38.1 and 38.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 39.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 39.2(b) of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 39.3 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 60 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 63.4 of the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

    1. – Articles 3, 5C(3), 6 quinquies A(2) and 7 bis(1)) of the Paris Convention (1967). This phrase also appears in footnote 1 to the TRIPS Agreement. ↑

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