1. Infrastructure ↑

    1. Office automation ↑

    1. Network

    1. Management Report System (MRS) ↑

    1. Back up Human Resource ↑

    1. Sales growth ↑

    1. Return on Stock ↑

    1. Firm Size ↑

    1. . Modern Society ↑

    1. . World Development ↑

    1. . Market Needs ↑

    1. . E comerce ↑

    1. . Competitive Inteligece ↑

    1. . Competitive Advantagement ↑

    1. . Shareholders ↑

    1. . Personal computer (Pc) ↑

    1. . Network Server ↑

    1. . Network Client ↑

    1. .Strategic Grid ↑

    1. . Stage of Growth Model ↑

    1. .Rockart ↑

    1. . porter & Millar ↑

    1. .Value-chain ↑

    1. . Five Forcls Model ↑

    1. . Mak Farlan ↑

    1. . Porters Generic strategies ↑

    1. .In formation Tecnology strategy ↑

    1. I.B.M ↑

    1. . Information technology Amrican ↑

    1. .offive compatingand Accounting Machiney (OCAM) ↑

    1. . Leavitt ↑

    1. . Whisler ↑

    1. .Information processing Equipment (IPE) ↑

    1. ..Media communication ↑

    1. .Value Chain ↑

    1. .Scott Moton ↑

    1. .Hard War ↑

    1. .Soft War ↑

    1. .Databas ↑

    1. .Storage Technology ↑

    1. Disk ↑

    1. .Ecommerce ↑

    1. .Networks ↑

    1. .Resource sharing ↑

    1. .Reliability ↑

    1. . Costs ↑

    1. . Communications ↑

    1. . Cata ↑

    1. .Information ↑

    1. . Knowledge ↑

    1. .Capabilities ↑

    1. Matsich ↑

    1. Makloub ↑

    1. . Perpend Information ↑

    1. . Usefulness of Information ↑

    1. . Quality of Information ↑

    1. .Timeliness ↑

    1. . Operational Information ↑

    1. . Management Information ↑

    1. . Information System ↑

    1. .Inputs ↑

    1. .Raw Data ↑

    1. . Defensive ↑

    1. . Agressive ↑

    1. .Electronic Communication System (ECS) ↑

    1. Microwave ↑

    1. .Email ↑

    1. .Mailinglists ↑

    1. .Telnet ↑

    1. . Archive ↑

    1. . Pilo Transfer Protocle ↑

    1. .World Wide Web ↑

    1. .Hypertext ↑

    1. .Usenet News ↑

    1. Parpa ↑

    1. .Chat ↑

    1. .Paper less ↑

    1. .Elektronic Gove ↑

    1. .Astar Network ↑

    1. . Busetwork ↑

    1. .Ring network ↑

    1. .Local Arae Network ↑

    1. .Wide Area Network ↑

    1. Wireless ↑

    1. . Integted services Digital Netwoeks(ISDN) ↑

    1. .Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) ↑

    1. . Optical fiber ↑

    1. Kuaksyl ↑

    1. Artificial Intelligence ↑

    1. .Executives Information System (EIS) ↑

    1. .Office Aotumasion System (OAS) ↑

    1. .Decision Support Systems (DSS) ↑

    1. .Management Information Systems (MIS) ↑

    1. .Christian Romer ↑

    1. Jerald Hitz ↑

    1. .Document Bank Management system (DBMS) ↑

    1. . Information Technology master plan(ITMP) ↑

    1. . Swot ↑

    1. . Request For Proposal (RFP) ↑

    1. .Strategic ↑

    1. .Tactics ↑

    1. .Operation ↑

    1. . Cristofer Nolan ↑

    1. .Parsons Gregory ↑

    1. . Pelanned ↑

    1. . Leading Advan tage ↑

    1. .Pree Market ↑

    1. . Monoply ↑

    1. .Sarceresoarce ↑

    1. .Strategic ↑

    1. . Operations ↑

    1. . Practicable ↑

    1. . Planend ↑

    1. .Not planing ↑

    1. . Information Socity Index (ISI) ↑

    1. National Bank ↑

    1. .Digital Massindex ↑

    1. . Performance ↑

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